Sunday, 26 November 2017

Our Year at School. By Room 8

We have had an awesome time in room 8 this year
We’ve written a cool poem which we are going to share.

We’re going to tell you all about some things that we’ve done
And I’m sure you’ll see that we’ve had heaps of fun.

We like to learn maths and to subtract and to add
When we know all our times tables we will be really glad.

Room 7 and Room 8 really like working together
We really don't mind about the weather.

Kahoot is a maths quiz that we all like to do
The questions were quite hard but some of the answers we knew

This year our school was one hundred and fifty years old
People came to the reunion and had a great time we are told
We show our families our work when we post it on seesaw
We share our writing and our maths and the pictures that we draw

JSPA is really amazing and some great things we have done
We learned to dance and sing and play and it was really fun

We write awesome stories and we have done some amazing art
We think that we are now really really smart

Cupcake day was at the start of the year
We all made cupcakes to bring and to share.

There were so many yummy cupcakes in the school hall
We had to choose two but we wanted to eat them all.

Softball started this year in term four
We liked it so much we wanted to play more and more

They taught us how to throw and how to hit the ball
The weather wasn’t great so sometimes we were in the hall.

In term 1 and term 4 the school discos were held
We laughed and we danced and we sang and we yelled.

We had a fun evening in our classroom in term three
We ate dessert and we helped to paint the tree.

Waikanae pool trip in February was heaps of fun
It was warm and we enjoyed our day in the sun

Revealing our seat in the garden was so cool
The enviro team opened it for our school.

We’ve been learning how to throw and catch the ball
We sometimes play basketball with room 7 in the hall

Mihi Whakatau welcomes families who are new
We have them every term and it’s something we like to do

We love meeting new people but they come and go
At our school we have learned to just go with the flow

The school triathlon was really fun but hard
We had to run and bike around the schoolyard.

One of our favourite things at our school
Is Thursdays when we go swimming in our very own pool

Te Reo is fun and lots of new words we like to learn
Whaea Adrienne teaches games and we like it when it’s our turn

In choir we sing with an amazing band
Who help our choirs sound really grand

We hope you’ve enjoyed your school year as well
We can’t wait to hear the final bell.

Our year is almost finished and the holidays are near.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and we will see you next year.

BY Room 8

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